Meest Poshta, city Uzhhorod - Mini-branch: up to 10 kg №11: Grushevskogo st., 67

Company: Meest Poshta
Status: Active
Address: Grushevskogo st., 67
Settlement: city Uzhhorod, Uzhhorodskyi district, Zakarpatska region
GPS coordinates: 48.060388, 22.28662
Weight restriction: 10 kg
Work schedule: Mo-Sa: 09:00-18:00, Su: 10:00-16:00
Phone: +380322327707
  Payment by card at the branch: -
  Postpaid service: +
Послуги: Payment in cash is not possible, The recipient's mobile number is required, Cash payment terminal available
Relevance: 25.05.2024

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